Who was Joseph Pilates?
Joseph Pilates was born in Monchegladbach, Germany in 1883. He grew up with a number of childhood ailments and turned to exercise and athletics to overcome his body’s limitations. Inspired by the Greek ideal of a man balanced in mind, body and spirit he began to develop his own exercise method based on this concept.
In 1912, Joseph travelled to England to work as a self-defence instructor for Scotland Yard. During the outbreak of World War I he was interned as an “enemy alien” with other German nationals. It was during this time Pilates refined his unique system with other interns, rigging springs to hospital beds. Enabling even bedridden patients to exercise against resistance.
Joseph returned to Germany after his release and his method became very popular among the dance community.
In 1926, Pilates emigrated to the United States. It was on the voyage he met his future wife Clara Zeuner. Joseph and Clara opened a studio on 8th Avenue which became popular among dancers and New York society.
Joseph was an avid boxer and gymnast throughout his life, maintaining an incredible physique into his later years. He died in 1967 at the age of 84.
Initial Consultation
Studio Pilates
What is the difference between a Studio and a Studio Mat class?
Studio Pilates uses a variety of equipment including The Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair and High Barrel. There is a maximum of 4 people in a class. Mat classes emphasise floor work and use basic props including Balance Balls, Exercise Rings, Bosus, Thera-Bands and Foam Rollers. There is a maximum of 6 people in a class.
What are the benefits of Pilates?
- Develops: Strength, Flexibility, Co ordination, Speed, Agility and Endurance
- Heightens Body Awareness
- Enhances Body Control
- Teaches correct Muscular Activation
- Corrects Posture & Alignment
- Facilitates optimal function of the internal organs
- Improves Balance & Proprioception
- Enhances Breathing and it’s Physical & Psychological benefits
- Offers a vehicle for Concentration and Focus
- • Promotes Relaxation and the release of tension
- Helps keep Musculature and Bone structure in an optimal state
- Serves as Cross Training for athletic pursuits
- Distributes body mass more aesthetically
- Provides a path to inner harmony through a finely tuned body
What should I expect when beginning a Pilates program?
When beginning a Pilates Program, you will need to undertake an Initial Assessment. This will involve medical and fitness assessment and screening. Allowing the instructor to work with you on identifying your level of ability, movement patterns, strengths, weaknesses, goals and objectives.
What should I wear to a Pilates class?
- Comfortable clothing
- Grip socks
- Hair tied back
- No sharp or dangly jewellery
What do I need to bring to class?
- A water bottle
- A bath or beach towel
How can I get the most out of my Pilates class?
- Allow at least 3 sessions before deciding whether Pilates is for you
- It is normal to feel fatigued or light headed during a session
- Give your instructor feedback throughout the class
- The following few days you may feel sore
- Rest and avoid strenuous activity
- Have an Epsom Salt Bath
- Do any recommended home exercises
- Ideally a follow up session should be booked within 1 week
Can I complete my paperwork before I arrive?
Yes. You can print out your forms from the links below and complete them when it is most convenient. Then bring them with you to your first class or appointment.